Monday, October 24, 2005

Ummm Hello? Is this thing on?

Yeah, yeah. I know. NO posts. Nothing at all. Like there's been nothing new in my life for the past couple of weeks. Well.....

I started that job with Rogers Wireless 3 weeks ago. They got us on the phones today and I'm not enjoying it so much. Too reminiscient of my previous employer and their policies. Don't get me wrong: seems like a great place to start work in the CSR industry but since I've been there before, and at a higher pay rate :-( , it holds little interest for me. I'm trying to keep my spirits buoyed by the fact that....

I've not been completely written off as a prospective Shaw employee. I did have another interview, third and final, a few weeks ago and they said I would know, one way or another, by this Friday. I've got my fingers crossed and my hopes aloft. Wow. How deep was that?

Alice Cooper was at the Jubilee on Friday. So were 2500 of his loyal, doped-out fans. God I love working there. No responsibility, get to do a very easy job for very little pay and no one is stressed there. Everyone is relaxed and enjoying their time. Again, that might change as the weather does.

I've lost almost 30 pounds. 30... freaking... pounds since the begining of our trip back in June. I'm trying to keep it off but finding it quite difficult. Maybe I was born to be a lazy, fat bastard? I really do feel lighter. It's not just in my mind since I'm actually lighter but it's nice to be able to run up a flight of stairs without having to lumber that extra 30 pounds up with me.

Mom is considering going under the knife to deal with that artery problem she's got in her leg. I can tell she's frightened, as I would be, but she believes it needs to be done. TBH I'm a bit scared as well. That would be a crappy way to lose a parent. Would prefer something more dramatic involving an attempted robbery, a last second dive in front of a pregnant woman only to receive a bullet to the chest. Not very realistic, maybe, but that's how I'd want her to go out. Enough! She's not going anywhere. She'll be around to torment me well into my 40's. It's my punishment. Love you Mom.

Alright. There's my post for the month. Maybe, just maybe, if I'm feeling creative, energetic and... well shit I don't know. Something other than lazy. I might, just might, type out something of actual interest.

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