Thursday, September 15, 2005

Couple of weeks

Only took that long to get my first comment spam in the message below. I'm quite surprised. I guess I will be turning on the comment spam control in the options of my little blog to try and put a curb on that.

Things continue, as they always do, in a more or less level fashion. I'm still waiting on confirmation of my hire at Shaw but had a call from the hiring manager yesterday confirming information about one of my references. He said he had two sterling silver references but three is better than two. With any luck, this time next week I'll be a Shaw employee! Yay!

On a lighter note, Sly (the wife) has begun taking Ju-jitsu classes. First one was last night. She came home exhausted but upbeat. As well as beaten-up. LOL. I kill me. I'm glad she's found something outside the house to do as I should be the only homebody in this household. ;-)

Speaking of the household, the rains we had over the weekend caused us a bit of pain. Seems the building is 'leaking' and it's caused a rather large section of our living room carpet to become soggy. I borrowed a shop vac from Ken and tried to suck up as much as I could but it was still damp. It's much better today but with rain forecasted later today, I'm worried. It's definitely time to move.

Eve is still rocking. We're moving down to lawless space AKA 0.0 space. Down there anything goes. You don't want to be found alone in a sector without escort or the ability to defend yourself. We plan on doing a whole bunch of mining and just generally building up the corp wallet. Being someone that enjoys the whole 'logistics' side of things I'm really looking forward to it. Only problem is moving all our gack around. Lots of stuff to move and not enough time to do it in. Big surprise.

I've also downloaded a copy of the Anarchy Online client. I've not installed or played it yet but I am very interested to see the in-game ads they've started showing to make the game, by all accounts, free to play each month without subscription fees. Though I hear it's not the greatest I still want to pop in game and have a look at what could be the future in MMORPGs.

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