Saturday, August 20, 2005

I am a God. Not THE God, but a God

First post! WTFOMGBBQ!!!

Oh wait, this isn't a gaming forum so I don't need to do that. In fact, perhaps this is a gaming forum? Most of what I seem to be doing in my spare time is, indeed, gaming. Hell, I've got some EVE-Online playing in the background as I type this. Ooops, I used the 'H' word. I'm going to Hell. In the timeless words of brain surgeon Britney Spears, Oops I did it again.

I'm not sure why I started this blog, on blogger no less. I had one previously hosted at my own domain but found myself writing for an imagined audience as opposed to writing for myself. I enjoyed putting together the pieces that I did, one in particular comes to mind, but most of the time it felt more like work instead of something enjoyable.

I like writing. I manage to blather on at times though, the words pouring from my fingers as they fly over the keyboard. Let me cut to the chase.

The only reason I'm here, at all, tonight is because of a story on /. about how Google is reacting to Splogs. So to test this, I wanted to jump on here build up a few posts and see if I too could become a target of comment spam and the occassional link to a crap blog. Woot! (That's what the kids are saying today)

So come back once in a while and let's see what we can see. I need to get back to EVE. Seems I've been contracted to go kill off some bad guys. Glee!!!!

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