Monday, August 22, 2005

Computational Emergency!!!!

Well I had what can only be described as a freak out moment earlier today. It's been hot here past couple days. Damn hot. But at least it's a dry heat. Ba-da-Bump.

So on a lark, I pull up a copy of Sisoft Sandra diagnostic software. Do a quick run on the MoBo and notice a lovely red exclamation mark in the report it supplied to me. Apparently, it was saying, my current CPU temperature was sitting around the 90 degrees Celsius mark and max operating temp for my Barton is 95 degrees. As you can imagine the alarm displayed on the screen was dwarfed by that which sprung into my mind at the thought of melting silicon.

Power down the computer and crack the case. Sure enough an inspection of the case reveals a few resident dust bunnies that simply did not want to vacate the premises. It also seemed that they were incubating progeny within the CPU heatsink fan.

After removing the HS and disassembling the fan to clean it out I'm now hovering around 63 degrees fully loaded and I know this thanks to a great little program called Mother Board Monitor. Grab a copy here and try it out for yourself!

Word to the wise: check your fans more than once a year especially when you are relying on air cooling!

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