Monday, October 08, 2007

Well What now?

Another year, another blog left to rot.

Initially I had thought to use this as an 'online diary'. Not so much a 'guess what me and mary jane did behind the old well last night!' and more of a 'my life sucks, my wife rules, things are basically the same' sort of place. An area where I would get the opportunity to vent, if I felt the need, if I wanted to.

Let me touch on that word italicized above: blog. Whoops I did it again. I hate that fncking word. Let me shed some light.

I've discovered StumbleUpon recently and have basically fallen in love with the application. I've never really been a 'web surfer' so to speak. I have a list of 20-30 websites that I visit regularly. Of course that list changes depending on what I'm interested in or what MMO I'm playing at that time in my life. But that has really changed now that I'm 'stumbling' around the internet. I can sit in front of my computer for hours on end hitting that little green button and finding all sorts of interesting things to view.

Anyways, for whatever reason, I have been getting a lot of blogs popping up in my daily stumbles. And. They. Are. All. The. Fucking. Same.

Monetize your blog today! How to optimize your SEO! Finding an audience, what you need to know to make money today!
And, honestly, I have no interest in these sorts of sites. Basically because I think the whole idea of 'blogging' as a 'job' seems... lazy. I'm not sure if that's the right word but it's the only one I've got at the moment. There was a huge explosion of blogs about a year ago. They popped up because the media were espousing this as a new form of citizen 'journalism'.

With this new attention came more traffic. For some websites (the Huffington Post comes to mind) the extra traffic was nice but not a necessity. However, these new visitors saw what kind of money could be made via advertisements and the dollar signs lit up in their eyes. They ran over to blogger or some other service and started punching keys, hoping to find their easy route to fast cash.

'But.. but Zaal! You are doing the same thing, mon ami! Why is it you shit on all your blogging brothers and sisters?'

I am not a blogger. I'm not an online diarist, journal keeper or any other cutesy term you can dream up that would be synonymous to 'blogger'. I jump on here from time to time to blather on about whatever it is that comes to mind. I have no illusions of grandeur nor do I think, for even a moment, that someone, anyone, out there would have a single neuron flare in interest about what I might have to regurgitate from my gargantuan mouth-piece.

And it honestly pains me to see these others try. All they seem to do is participate in a circle jerk of cross linking each other in the hopes of building their Google Page Rank. That is if they got to the section on SEO in their 'Blogging for Dummies' book.

Anyways, I just wanted to vent.

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