Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Quake Wars: Enemy Territory Really, Really Sucks

Best Buy had a sale over the Thanksgiving Day weekend. Wife and I picked up a few things: couple seasons of Roseanne, season 6 of South Park and a copy of Quake Wars: Enemy Territory.

Sweet merciful Zeus, this game sucks. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Noob! You just got the game! You probably suck compared to the people who have been playing for the past several weeks before you in beta and demo!"

That's not it. I know there is a learning curve in every new game a person plays and you need to overcome that curve in order to be effective. The problem seems to be that I can't seem to get what I aim at to die. I just can't. It seems that there's a random chance of your rounds hitting your target assuming you can keep your reticle on that target. Stuff just won't die! Don't even get me started on the bunny hopping!

I'm a huge Battlefield fan, been playing since the first game, 1942. Really got into BF2 and BF2142. In these games you have to aim at something to kill it, not just spray and pray. It seems that most of what I'm seeing in this new game is simply that: spraying and praying. It's frustrating because the rest of the game is so damn good. Can be very tactical and when you are in a good group can be very satisfying. I haven't had that very often but I'm hoping. A man can hope can't he?

I'm going to spend the next week giving this game the benefit of the doubt and play it to see if I can get over that curve. If not, straight into the bin and I'll write it off as a learning experience.

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