Saturday, January 28, 2006

Battlefield 2

I've not posted alot about BF2 but I've been playing since about the middle of November. I really enjoy the game. It's really not an FPS at all. Well... OK... yes it's an FPS but for the love of God and all that's Holy if you can organize a squad to do actual teamwork, you can dominate the bloody maps. Any and all maps.
The problem, of course, is that people are too concentrated on getting 'points' or raising their Kill/Death ratio that they aren't as interested in competing together.
I watched a kick ass squad roll over the whole map last night. Moved together, supported each other, used covering fire. It was bloody beautiful.
I want to be part of a squad like that.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just a new post for a new year

No longer work at Rogers. It seems they like to say they have a 'respectful workplace' but expect us to bend over when dealing with a VIP. I don't bend over for anyone. Needless to say I don't work there any longer as I can't see myself staying with a company that doesn't even support it's employees, at least in this particular circumstance.

Parking has picked me up again. Strange, that. Back there only a week and much more relaxed than I was making 50% more at Rogers. Oh right. I forgot. I don't have to deal with morally bankrupt directors telling me to bend over. What was I thinking?

So now I'm thinking I need a change of occupation. It's quite obvious that I've been spoiled by my time with Telus and that other companies simply won't have the same sort of support for their employees. I also know that I wouldn't go back to Telus unless I had no other choice. I'll have to see what happens.

In the mean time, I've suddenly got time on my hands. Perhaps to attempt, finally, the A+ stuff? Good lord, it would feel good to get that out of the way.

In fact that's what I'll do. I won't tell anyone though as I'd prefer to fail in secret and succeed by surprise.