Thursday, December 29, 2005

I got a lightsabre! Woot!

Kinda figured this was going to happen. Sylvia got me a lightsabre. One of these but mine is blue like Anakin's from Episode 1. It's super neat. Makes noise. Glows. When you power it up the lights in the blade light up in sequence so it actually looks like the blade is powering up just like in the movie. Very very very cool. It's funny because I had mentioned that I didn't want one because I didn't like it. Truthfully, I said it because I thought it was a very large investment for such a trivial thing. Super truthfully? I'm SOOO happy she got me one. It's been a while since I nurtured my inner Star Wars nerd/geek. Thank you, Love.

She also got me a rather substantial gift card for FS that I'm going to get great use out of. I'm going to wait until all the boxing week sales are over, however, because they won't price match during that period. I want a couple things: a G15 "Gaming" keyboard, a DVD dual layer burner and a few other odds and ends. Maybe some more memory for the rig. Get me up around 2 gigs or so. The keyboard has me a little pissed off. They currently list it at $99.95 but I can get it over at the Yellow Store for $25 bux less. My inner Scot coming out perhaps? Needless to say I want to be able to purchase them at FS but get the better price, hence needing to get the price matching service back in place.

I had 4 days off over the holidays, two of those paid. Yummy. I'm settling in here and starting to enjoy the work a little more now that I don't need to worry so much about making the noobtastic mistakes. Now I just worry about the normal mistakes that everyone seems to make. LOL.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas time and the living is easy

Maybe not so much easy as not difficult. WTF does that mean anyways?

Finished the main 'training' part of our... ummm... training. Now we're on our separate, respective teams and working towards customer service Nirvana. Or something.

Christmas is but three or four days away. Meaning I've spent a few days wandering the local malls and electronics outlets in search of gifts for my loving family. Meaning my wife, mother and step-father. I've always hated Christmas and hated shopping for it. I always begin feeling melancholy about this time of year. Maudlin if you will. Mau-d-lin! Seems like such a depressing time of year. Or perhaps that's just me? Can't be there's so many suicides this time of year. So though I'm not ready to join that group of people in their life-ending activities, it comforts me slightly to know there are others out there feeling as I do. Worse in some cases.

Sly is concerned about her choice in gift for me. She's apparently purchased something that she's not completely convinced is going to make me reach new heights of consumer-based orgasm. It's hard to convince her that whatever it is I'm really, really going to like it. It really IS the thought that counts. Too many of us have forgotten that simple fact. Lost between endless commercial brainwashing on Radio and TV to familial pressures brought to bear because of that same brainwashing. Good god, it could go around in circles forever.

I'm finding less and less joy in my life, in my wife and in everything around me. Time of year? Whatever... I'm a unique snowflake that has no other equal. Fight Club is THE shit. His name was Robert Paulson.